Saturday, July 6, 2013

Goodbye Smugness

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Not being computer swift, I just learned this!

Remember when I turned the big 7-0 a few months ago. My predominant feeling, other than horror, was that I did not belong in that group of old people. Well, guess what? I am now fully immersed in this stage of life.

Here is the way it happened. I had had a cough for 4-5 months, just a tickle really. Should I go to the doctor? He will think I am a hypochondriac. I did go to see him and he sent me for a chest X-ray. He spotted something in my lung, probably pneumonia he said. Off for more tests which resulted in a team of doctors saying I needed a biopsy. The thoracic doctor thought it was cancer, the others did not. He was correct. It was cancer, a kind of cancer that is mostly found in women. So instead of just a biopsy, he removed the bottom lobe of my left lung. (Did you know there were sections in the lungs and that you can breathe normally without the lower lobe?)

The cancer was contained in that lobe, none was found in the lymph nodes. Praise God! The team has also decided they will not treat me with chemo or radiation at this time. They will follow up every 3 months. All of this happened 3 weeks ago.

My gratefulness overflows to the doctors, my husband, family and friends who have prayed and cared for me. I am doing well. So many people have not been so lucky. My heart breaks for the ones that do have cancer.

So, no more smugness. I now gladly say I am 70 years old. I am just as vulnerable to the myriad of diseases, aches and pains that come to my genre. I rejoice because I am well and can breathe freely.  To be continued.........

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

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