Joie De Vivre
It seems to me that a joy of living is vital to having a meaningful life. When I am passionate about something my world is bright and purposeful. Right now my passions are my vegetable garden and mastering my IPhone. However, I am observing that having a joie de vivre is not as easy when you are 70, 80, 90. You see, as you get older the proverbial clock is ticking, not the child bearing clock, but the clock that has "one foot in the grave."
Haven't you known older people who stopped dreaming, learning new things, planning their next trip? They even shy away from entering discussions. People who once anticipated the next season of the year have now stepped off the field and onto the sidelines.
So, is that okay? Are elderly adults entitled to just sit and let the clouds roll by? Of course they are.....if that is what they want to do. Or, do they step back because they feel dismissed and insignificant? They are not sought out anymore. That saddens me.
Perhaps I will lose my vibrancy as I get older. Don't know. Right now I choose to stay engaged in life, I want to have a voice.
When I have felt a dullness in myself I now know what cures me. Find a new passion. For me there is an energy and excitement that comes with learning. It can be a new exercise class, new skill or a new really, really smart phone. It is called mastery. Think of the joy that comes when a youngster learns to ride a bike. Ahhh, pure joy. So, what keeps you young at heart?
P.S. Make a point to speak to an elderly person this week.